List of Shortcomings

List of Shortcomings is an interdisciplinary theatre project developed by a team of community artists from the Association of Theatre Educators and the Warsaw Observatory of Culture. Together we want to discuss culture as a working environment, the prevalence of precariat as a form of (un)employment in culture and the conditions, hierarchies and the discrepancies between stated values and their realisation.

Upon her return from holiday, an employee of a cultural institution was presented with a List of Shortcomings.

It contained a list of allegations concerning her work.

Instead of a conversation with her superior, she received a list of her shortcomings.

Instead of looking for solutions only a remediation plan and a threat of sanctions.

What does it mean to practise solidarity, cooperation, and social justice in the cultural sector? Who sets the boundaries of communication and what are the consequences of breaching or honouring them? How can we make cultural work environmentally-friendly, sustainable, and healthy?

Illustration by Katarzyna Belczyk

The project consists of three interrelated elements:

  1. A performance named List of Shortcomings was developed based on a script written on the basis of 9 extensive interviews with cultural sector workers from across Poland. The starting point for the creation of the performance was the question: “Can work in the cultural sector be environmentally-friendly, sustainable, and healthy while focusing on performances, presentations, communication with the audience, and intensive event production, as well as the factoring in the importance of the human element? Performance also raises the question of how to deal with emerging malpractice and abuse in the sector, without accusing anyone or rushing to judgement?
  2. The show was accompanied by an exhibition of works by Katarzyna Belczyk, an illustrator who uses humour and irony to talk about the challenges that artists and other creators face in their work. The character she created featured in the potato_face_stories has a loyal following on Instagram.
  3. A workshop included also in the event. Shortly after the premiere, culture sector workers have been invited to an empowerment meeting where they could exchange views and experiences about working in culture. The workshop used creative methods to activate bodies and voices, it was held and directed in the interests of communal wellbeing.



Karolina Pluta

Overall idea, interview, performer
I am a theatre educator, performer, coach, trainer, and chairperson of the Association of Theatre Pedagogues. I have been supporting cultural institutions, NGOs, activists and artists in their development for many years. I run workshops, conduct creative processes, and hold individual sessions. I am familiar with counteracting professional burnout, producing performances and designing and implementing social artistic projects.

Pamela Leończyk

Director, performer, interviews
I am a director, author of artistic installations, theatre educator, and accessibility coordinator.

Dorota Ogrodzka

As part of the residency, I want to experience a pause and gather material for a chapter on how to... pause. How can we treat turning points, when we reach the wall of our own resilience, strength and hope, as possible defining moments to change the way we work and the way the whole arts and culture industry functions?

Iga Dzięgielewska

I am a theatre educator, performer and producer. I graduated from the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw. I am a member of the Theatre-Social Laboratory collective, where I investigate social phenomena in the form of performances, urban actions and open workshops.

Łukasz Wójcicki

I am a performer, dancer, choreographer, counterculture animator, researcher, and playwright.

Sebastian Świąder

I am a theatre educator, cultural animator, musician, and performer.

Kuba Drzastwa

Set design and costumes
I am a cultural animator, theatre educator, designer of creative situations, producer, coordinator and curator of cultural and theatrical projects, author of scenography and music, and a DJ.

Paulina Andruczyk

I am a cultural animator, theatre educator, coordinator of cultural and artistic projects, manager and producer, cultural scientist, and DJ.

Kasia Belczyk

Graphic design and exhibition concept
I am an illustrator, poster designer and comic book author, and I created the Potato Face project.

Promotion on the part of the Theatre Pedagogues’ Association: Katarzyna Łopata

Administrative support: Aleksandra Antoniuk

Poster by Katarzyna Belczyk

The List of Shortcomings is a project by the Theatre Pedagogues’ Association. It features a performance, exhibition, and workshop and is partly funded by the capital city of Warsaw. The Warsaw Observatory of Culture is a partner of the project. The Gustaw Holoubek Dramatyczny Theatre is a co-organiser of the event.

Premiere: 2 December (including exhibition opening); next date: 3 December 2023. The performances will take place on the small stage of the Dramatyczny Theatre in Warsaw. We hope to be able to showcase the performances outside of Warsaw as well.