Artistic-Research Residency Programme. First Edition / 2023

Process-ing Change. An Artistic and Research Accompaniment

The Warsaw Observatory of Culture is launching a long-term research-and-artistic residency programme. The first edition 2023 of the project is entitled Process-ing Change. An Artistic and Research Accompaniment. The programme aims to accompany artists, researchers, and activists working alone or as part of duos or collectives in their experience of and reflection on change. The residency programme supports practices, collaborations, and artistic and research processes, with no requirement for organising an event or creating artwork as a result of the residency.

Residents and their processes

Meeting with the WOK Residents

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Meeting with the WOK Residents, photos by Marta Ankiersztejn


Metaphors of residents' processes

During the evaluation of the 1st edition of the residency, the participants shared their processes using metaphors of images, complementing each other and developing them with empathy. The months of reflection and experimentation were compared to: islands in the ocean, the pleasant feeling of floating on water, or tending a garden. One of the participants, Veronika Ivashkevich, presented the group’s experiences using her own painting technique.

Documenting the residency process


Recruitment for the first edition