On the WOK.radar

This is why we want to share what is ‘on the radar’ at WOK, namely interesting and inspiring topics and contexts that expand our research and artistic activities. We are committed to sharing the knowledge we gain openly.

We are particularly interested in equality-related topics, including equal access to acquiring and creating knowledge. This is why we want to share what is ‘on the radar’ at WOK. We also want to become an amplifier for voices and perspectives that are not often heard or seen clearly enough. The materials we feature in the ‘On the Radar’ project stem from our interests and experience gained while working at WOK.

Budowanie publiczności a taniec: perspektywy, możliwości, przykłady. Próba analizy

Audience development niejedno ma imię, o czym przekonałam się w trakcie pracy nad tym artykułem Najczęściej zakłada strategiczne działania, ale jego elementy mogą mieć nieco mniejszy zasięg i także przyczyniać się do przyciągania publiczności, gromadzenia wokół danego miejsca lub wydarzenia stałej grupy osób.
2 months ago

In the midst of political tensions. A conversation with Paweł Łysak

The British Brutalists, cultural activism and a theatre attacked by right-wing extremists - Paweł Łysak, director of Warsaw's Powszechny Theatre, talks about the behind-the-scenes work of running an institution in the midst of political tensions.
2 months ago

Like fire and water. A conversation with Anna Rochowska

Is it possible to manage a large urban theater known for its high artistic aspirations in an empathetic, inclusive, and humane way? Anna Rochowska, the director of TR Warszawa, reveals the challenges she faces while trying to reconcile seemingly contradictory elements.
2 months ago

The museum is ours. A conversation with Joanna Mytkowska

Will the new model for a cultural institution be an outlet in a state of constant formation, uninterrupted transformation and repurposing? How do you manage a museum that is constantly migrating, under construction, shrinking and expanding its space? Joanna Mytkowska, the director of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Warsaw talks about managing an elusive structure.
2 months ago

Hearing the voice of poetry. A conversation with Joanna Mueller

Female voice amplifiers versus dad jokes. Under the leadership of Joanna Mueller, we open our space to poetry and invite all readers to discover new poetic voices and search for works that are not chameleons. A conversation with the poet Joanna Mueller is the last in a series of interviews with experts in the Reader Education research project conducted by the Warsaw Observatory of Culture.
2 months ago

To my eye, it’s reading!

Can you live radically with your head in the clouds? In the age of the digital revolution, it is a thorn in the side of literary purists and a one-night-read, so to speak, if we betray the logic of progress, profit and consumption. The answer is complex. As an invited panellist at the Eye on the World (L'œil du monde) conference at the National Library on 22 March, I spoke about the implications of WOK research and what reading education could look like in the age of the digital revolution.
4 months ago

What does it take to be a data activist?

The European Commission points to the digital transformation as one of the driving forces of change in the European workplace. The growing amount of data, its use in various industries and positions, the development of work on artificial intelligence and its potentially disruptive nature for the labour market make data analysis skills increasingly important.
6 months ago


Are cultural institutions destined to be organised in traditional ways? How can we think differently about structure and working methods? What kind of model would we like to see if we are tired of the hierarchy of roles? How can we communicate effectively? How can we make decisions safe and fast? These and other questions drove the workshop on the basics of sociocracy that I ran for the team of the Warsaw Observatory of Culture. Here is a brief overview of the model discussed for those interested in self-organisation.
9 months ago

On friendship and Warsaw. Interview with Oksana Kolisnyk

What are the interests of young refugees in Warsaw? How can we reach them? These are some of the questions that we at the Warsaw Observatory of Culture have been asking for some time, and then Oksana Kolisnyk, a student of Social Arts at the Institute of Polish Culture at the University of Warsaw, approached us with a request to organise workshops in our WOK.lab.
6 months ago

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