Warsaw Observatory of Culture
ul. Mokotowska 29a
00-560 Warsaw
T: +48 22 6203490
Media contact:
NIP 5251000514
REGON 010941634
IBAN PL 36 1240 5963 1111 0000 4794 9795
Warsaw Observatory of Culture is a local government artistic institution entered into the Register of Cultural Institutions of the Capital City of Warsaw under RIA/166/91.
Our space for activities:
ul. Marszałkowska 34/50
00-647 Warsaw
Our day-to-day office is in Warsaw at ul. Mokotowska 29a. We work on a project basis, so we do not have regular opening hours. If you would like to get in touch, please email us.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Questions and answers
What does WOK do?
We carry out socially relevant artistic and research projects. We develop innovative tools and solutions that support the growth and professionalisation of the cultural sector. We provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, we build collaborative networks, and connect people, places and ideas. We initiate public debates in a spirit of openness and accessibility.
What kind of institution is WOK?
WOK is an interdisciplinary cultural institution, governed by the local council, which pursues research and artistic projects. We operate in accordance with our Ethics Map. Our underlying values are openness, cooperation, diversity, accessibility and reliability.
How to reach us?
WOK is located in two separate premises. Our office is located at ul. Mokotowska 29a, at the end of the inner courtyard which can be accessed from ul. Marszałkowska 34/50. Nearby, in the arcades of the building at ul. Marszałkowska 34/50 is our WOK Lab space, where artistic events take place. The main entrance to WOK Lab is located in the building at ul. Marszałkowska, between Plac Zbawiciela and Plac Konstytucji (building with arcades).
The WOK Lab and office can be reached by the underground (the nearest station is Politechnika, from where our premises are 350–400 metres away), bus or tram.
Is the WOK space accessible to people with disabilities?
The ground floor of the WOK Lab is fully accessible to people with reduced mobility. The wheelchair ramp leading to the arcades is located on the side of Plac Konstytucji. Unfortunately, the WOK office building is not adapted to the needs of people with reduced mobility.
Detailed information on the architectural accessibility of the WOK building and parking spaces can be found here.
What are our working hours?
We work on a project basis, so we do not have regular opening hours. If you would like to visit us, please contact us in advance.
Do we rent our space? What are the rental conditions?
We run a research and artistic programme and make our WOK Lab space available for such projects and events. We do not rent it out, but we cooperate with people who want to hold their activities there. If you have an idea of what you would like to do in our space, please contact us.
Can I organise an exhibition in your space?
We do not host exhibitions as such, but we do make our space available for research and artistic projects. If you have an idea of what you would like to do in the space, please contact us. We are open to new initiatives and will consider all proposals carefully to ensure that they are in line with our mission.
What are the conditions for using the WOK Lab space?
The WOK Lab’s ground floor space is a place for meetings, workshops, screenings, exhibitions, rehearsals and other performative activities, and is arranged according to the needs of individual projects. We use it in a way that serves everyone. People using the WOK Lab space will be instructed on how to care for the space.
Czy mogę się zgłosić na rezydencję?
Tak. Co roku wczesną wiosną ogłaszamy nową edycję tematyczną oraz format kilkumiesięcznych rezydencji. Więcej o ich charakterze przeczytasz tu.
Jak odbyć praktyki w WOK?
Zgłoś się do nas! Nabór na praktyki w WOK jest otwarty. Pisz śmiało na adres:
Zapraszamy na praktyki studenckie w ramach kilku prowadzonych przez nas projektów. Więcej informacji o tym, czym możesz zajmować się w trakcie praktyk oraz jakie warunki oferujemy, znajdziesz tu.
Czy i jak mogę zgłosić do WOK swój pomysł na badania albo działania artystyczne lub edukacyjne?
Jesteśmy otwarci na wszelkie propozycje działań, które łączą się z misją WOK. Więcej informacji o tym, jaka wizja nam przyświeca i jakie przedsięwzięcia realizujemy, znajdziesz tu:
Każdy pomysł rozpatrujemy indywidualnie. Pisz do nas śmiało. Tu znajdziesz do nas kontakt:
Jak aplikować na rezydencje sieci ICORN?
Aby aplikować na rezydencje ICORN, należy skierować bezpośrednio swoją aplikację do Sieci, korzystając z formularza dostępnego na oficjalnej stronie: