At the WOK Lab – on culture and Warsaw now and in 150 years

On May 31, the Warsaw Observatory of Culture (WOK) held a meeting between the holders of the City of Warsaw scholarship with directors of cultural institutions. Its purpose was to encourage discussion on matters important to culture in Warsaw now and from a long-term perspective of 150 years. The experts from, whose report served as inspiration, estimated that adopting this long-term perspective is crucial for ensuring a positive future for our cities and culture, benefiting our children and grandchildren.
Photo by Marta Ankiersztejn

One of our main objectives was to foster connections and familiarity among the participants. We wanted to introduce ourselves as WOK, a newly established institution in Warsaw, and initiate closer contact between the beneficiaries of the artistic scholarship, and representatives of Warsaw’s cultural institutions.

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WOK spotkanie stypendystów i stypendystek
Photos by Marta Ankiersztejn

During the meeting, we presented visual data concerning scholarships illustrating the changes and trends in various artistic domains. This included information on the frequency of debuts and the gender distribution of awarded scholarships. For example, out of the 343 scholarships awarded between 2017 and 2023, 170 were given to women and 173 to men. While most disciplines demonstrated a balanced gender distribution, dance remained predominantly female-oriented, with 9 women and 3 men receiving artistic dance scholarships between 2017 and 2023. We plan to continue analysing qualitative data in collaboration with the City of Warsaw.

During the meeting, we actively encouraged everyone to join the conversation. We suggested the speed dating formula around topics which are close to our hearts:

  • How can we change the way we work in culture?
  • How to speak inclusively?
  • How should we engage with visual design to avoid dismissive remarks like “My child could do better in Paint”?
  • How to ensure representation in the face of an increasingly diverse society?
  • What is the significance of changes in cultural institutions?
  • Can we imagine culture without social media?
  • Do we need cultural education in Warsaw?
  • What can Warsaw residents gain from artistic scholarships?
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Photos by Marta Ankiersztejn
Each voice was valued, and the conversations extended beyond the duration of the meeting.
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WOK_spotkanie_stypendystow i stypendystek
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Photos by Marta Ankiersztejn


Finally, we asked for feedback to assess the importance of these types of events. The answers to the question “What are your takeaways from this meeting” were highly encouraging. Selected testimonials:

It’s a fantastic idea to organise a meeting between artists and institution representatives. In just a few minutes I heard so many amazing ideas that I’m leaving with a great impression! Thank you!

I’m convinced that such meetings are meaningful and energising, that WOK is needed and that we, people of culture, have to stick together – so I have a request: more meetings at WOK!

conversation, reflection, motivation

I’d love to talk some more about the opportunities for «working differently» in culture. There were a lot of nice encounters, as well. Thank you! I’m thinking about using the knowledge about scholarship holders in the activities of the institution where I work.

Photo by Marta Ankiersztejn

We also received valuable feedback which we will definitely take into account when organising subsequent WOK meetings:

A nice meeting, but not enough time and opportunity for an in-depth (and more relaxed) conversation with institutions. Additionally, it wasn’t sufficiently adapted for the needs of neuroatypical individuals.

My takeaway is the sense that I have discovered a new space, and the question: “How to support people who don’t feel at ease in networking but do wonderful things? How to support and promote their work?”

Tend to the people who have a more difficult time with integration and small talk. The meeting had very good energy. Thank you!

Very interesting, a bit vague, and loud (the acoustics would be improved with some soft fabrics)

The partner supporting the meeting is “Dwutygodnik” which together with the Cultural Office of Warsaw created a subsite devoted to the winners of the artistic scholarship of the City of Warsaw.

It features bios created by the “Dwutygodnik” writers which highlight the most interesting threads from the works of scholarship holders, along with the information on the outcomes of the scholarships. Based on these materials, during the meeting at the WOK, we presented the figures of scholarship winners from the years 2022–2023. Download the presentation:

Photo by Marta Ankiersztejn

Thank you and see you soon! WOK Team