Anna Manankina • Анна Мананкіна

Born in 1995. She is an interdisciplinary media artist from Kharkiv, who works in the field of digital technologies with video, VR and AR, installation, 3D animation and sound, with an emphasis on posthumanism and feminist practice. In her artistic expressions, she covers a wide range of issues: from geopolitical aspects and power structures to purely intimate spheres of life, addresses the topic of violence and gender identity, the state of women in artistic and social contexts. Finalist of the Exter cultural exchange program with the support of the Ukrainian Institute. Fellow of the Gaude Polonia 2021 programme from the Polish National Cultural Center. Participant of the 19th WRO Media Art Biennale
2021 in Wroclaw. She has collaborated with institutions in Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania.

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