REPORT: Cultural Education in Research and Action

The study of cultural education in Warsaw is a study of the city itself: its radically changing community; its shifts and uncertainties in the face of global challenges; as well as its local conditions and their impact on the lives of Warsaw’s residents. WOK presents the report Cultural Education in Research and Action, which concludes the second phase of our study on cultural education practices in Warsaw.

In the realm of cultural education, all of Warsaw converges: people with diverse views, different needs, expectations, and dreams. Among them are individuals for whom cultural education programming had not been designed before – the “new audiences.” The still strong need for people to engage with culture represents a significant potential worth building upon: by supporting institutions, strengthening professionals, and increasing the accessibility of available programming.

Our research process continues, and this report is an invitation to reflect, act upon, and further examine cultural education. The action research perspective that we have embraced allows the involved groups – practitioners, managers, local government officials – to continue this reflection independently and collaboratively, making cultural education a tool for social change. We invite you to download the report in two versions: a full version and a summary.

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People involved in conducting the survey

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Place and date of publication