Joanna Mytkowska

I am a curator and art historian. I have been the Director of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw since 2007.

Prior to that, I worked as a curator at the Centre Pompidou in Paris. I co-founded the Galeria Foksal Foundation (1997-70). In 2005, I curated the exhibition Repetition by Artur Żmijewski at the Polish Pavilion at the 51st Venice Biennale. I curated and co-curated exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including Never Again. Art Against War and Fascism in the 20thand 21st  centuries  (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2019), Edi Hila. Painter of Transformation (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2018), The Beguiling Siren is Thy Crest (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2017), Alina Szapocznikow, Sculpture Undone 1955–1972 (Centre d’Art Contemporain Wiels, Bruksela; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2012–2013), Les promesses du passé (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2010), Akward Objects (Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, 2009), Les Inquiets. Cinq artistes sous la pression de la guerre (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2008), Le Nuage Magellan (Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2007), and Oskar Hansen. A Dream of Warsaw (Foksal Gallery Foundation, 2005). I am the editor of Henryk Stażewski. Ekonomia myślenia i postrzegania [Henryk Stażewski. The Economy of Thought and Perception] (2006) and Edward Krasiński (1997).

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