Co-thinking: open call for the process of artistic research and networking

In Poland, artistic research has been developing for years on the margins of art and science institutions. Although these ephemeral practices are an inexhaustible source of new cognitive strategies, they have not yet found their own place in the cultural field. Their creators lack funding and institutional support, and their work has not received much critical or scholarly commentary that could help deepen our understanding of these practices.

Strengthening artistic research in Poland requires the cooperation of those who create it. We would therefore like to invite you to a conversation about working on the margins of art and science. Co-thinking is both a network and a process of team exploration in which we will get to know each other, form alliances and reflect together on the heterogeneous, dispersed identity of artistic research in Poland.

We invite you to a process consisting of:

  • 2 gatherings in the form of facilitated full-day meetings: in Chęciny on 26–28 July and in Warsaw on 15–17 November
  • curatorial and facilitative support for the process

We do not assume the development of a material effect/product, we are open to what the process will bring. We see these meetings as a starting point for further cooperation.

Accessibility information:

  • The buildings and grounds of the European Centre for Geological Education at the University of Warsaw are adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.
  • WOK Lab (ground floor) is fully accessible for people with disabilities. One of the toilets is adapted to the needs of wheelchair users, it is also accessible with a pram and a changing table is available.
  • Hotel Hera in Warsaw has two single rooms on the ground floor adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.

Both meetings will be in Polish.

During the meetings we will look for answers to the following questions:

  • What is artistic research?
  • What cognitive practices and ways of creating and sharing knowledge are generated in artistic research processes?
  • Under what economic conditions and in what institutional and disciplinary environments do people who do artistic research work?
  • How can we create decent conditions for artistic research work in Poland?

We want Co-thinking to be an opportunity for people from different artistic and scientific backgrounds to meet and form alliances. We know that information about recruitment rarely reaches all those interested. Therefore, each person selected on the basis of the application will be encouraged to invite a person of their choice to participate in the process.

See the curatorial text for more information.


Who can apply?

We invite all those who combine research and artistic practice in their work to participate in the project, regardless of their institutional or disciplinary affiliation. Participation is conditional on attendance at both meetings.

What do we offer?

  • remuneration of PLN 1,600 gross (PLN 800 gross for participation in each meeting), on the basis of a contract of commission;
  • reimbursement of travel expenses up to PLN 300 for each person participating in both meetings and provision of accommodation (up to 2 hotel nights for each participant, in twin rooms);
  • full board during the meeting in Chęciny;
  • a joint dinner following the Warsaw meeting.

How to apply?

Simply fill in the application form. If you are unable to apply online, please contact us by email or phone and we will find a solution together. You can also send us any questions about the programme or organisational matters in the same way.

Phone: 22 620 34 90

Email: or


  • closing date for applications: 27 May by 23:59 PM
  • announcement of recruitment results (publication on the WOK website and individual email contact with each applicant): by 10 June
  • each qualified person can invite one person who practises artistic research to the process: by 23 June
  • individual introductory zooms with the facilitation team: from 12 June to 7 July meeting in Chęciny (European Centre for Geological Education of the University of Warsaw, 26–28 July 2024
  • meeting in Warsaw (Warsaw Observatory of Culture, WOK.lab, [date]


Curator: Anna Majewska

Curator: Anna Majewska

Producer: Alicja Berejowska

WOK carers: Anna Galas-Kosil, Marta Michalak, Agnieszka Tiutiunik

Facilitators: Paulina Brelińska-Garsztka, Alicja Czyczel, Zofia Małkowicz, Anna Majewska, Zofia Reznik

Merit cooperation: Paulina Brelińska-Garsztka, Alicja Czyczel, Jakub Depczyński, Piotr Morawski


  • Warsaw Observatory of Culture
  • Ministry of Science and Higher Education (to be confirmed)
  • [Other organisers, if any]


  • Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

Co-thinking is a part of the project Artistic-research Practices of Knowledge Production carried out by Anna Majewska under the MNiSW “Pearls of Science” grant.

The project was co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the “Excellence Initiative” Programme at the University of Warsaw.