Julia Hoczyk

Theatre scholar, editor, critic and dance researcher. I graduated from the Faculty of Theatre Studies at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw and attended courses in gender, queer and animal studies. I have published in Didaskalia, Teatr, Opcje, Dwutygodnik and the Nowytaniec.pl and TaniecPOLSKA.pl portals. I was the editor of the magazine of the Body/Mind International Contemporary Dance Festival in 2021, and  the anthology Prze-pisać taneczny modernizm: sieci [Re-writing Dance Modernism: Networks] (2022) with Wojciech Klimczyk. I also worked as an editor of the Scena magazine, Kultura Enter online monthly and taniecPOLSKA.pl portal. Between 2010 and 2015 I taught contemporary dance analysis at the Theatre Academy. Between 2011 and 2023 I worked at the National Institute of Music and Dance. In 2019, at the Centre for Dance Art in Warsaw, I implemented the project: “Around dance, choreography, performance – different approaches to contemporary dance”. I have also conducted workshops on writing about dance.

I specialise in researching corporeality and gender in Polish and global contemporary dance. I enjoy lecturing and chairing meetings related to contemporary dance and Butō. Since 2023 I have been working as a creative coordinator for the Polish Actors’ Union and collaborating with the Warsaw Observatory of Culture (WOK). As an active observer and co-creator of the dance community, I support WOK in its activities around the pilot programme of the Warsaw Dance Centre to be housed in the Vistula River Pavilion, as well as the subsequent establishment of a new municipal institution for dance. In my work I combine my expertise in the field with editorial skills. I would like to see dance in Warsaw given the strongest possible voice and institutional support, and I believe that this will finally happen thanks to the joint efforts of the entire community.

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