Artist Mothers in Process

I enjoy good films where the plot surprises me and different characters turn out to have a much greater influence on each other than I initially thought. Similarly, I perceive the history that brought me here, to WOK, giving me the opportunity to talk about what is important to me.

Two years ago, I wrote a post about in a Facebook group founded by Sylwia Walczkowska-Rojewska, which brings together women from the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts who were already mothers.  At that time, I was living in Lower Silesia, far from my artistic environment, and I felt lonely as an artist and a young mother. The spark I ignited was enthusiastically received on the other side of the screen and sparked ideas and plans for a joint exhibition of our works and those of our children. Unfortunately, the prose of parental life swept away this impulse and the messages died down.

Last year I found myself in a situation that pushed me to return to Warsaw and find a way to support myself. That’s when I came across information about an artistic residency at WOK and applied. Although I didn’t get in, I felt that the idea of WOK resonated with me and I really wanted to be associated with it. I was moved by the fact that, despite the rejection, I was treated with attention and respect, without causing me to lose faith in my abilities.

Six months later, in November, Agnieszka Strzeżeka, one of the girls from the Facebook group, revived the initiative, and together with Agata Klepka and Sonia Jaszczyńska, they devised the self-residency program Artist Mothers, which was realized with the support of the Warsaw Observatory of Culture. I remember feeling like I was surrounded by people with experiences so similar to mine for the first time. I understood that I wasn’t alone and felt the strength that comes from collaboration and mutual support. I think similar feelings accompanied all of us, because we decided to move forward together, and the result of our efforts is the upcoming exhibition organized under the care of Anna Stefańska-Gozdecka at the Rotational House of Culture.

When we become mothers, we begin to be creators again

Text: Sonia Jaszczyńska

We created a group for visual artists who are mothers and care for their children. Being a parent has a significant impact on creative practice and imposes certain constraints on a parent’s life. That’s why we have created a community that provides support and enables carving out time for creative work. The beginning of our activities was the home-based residency program, set up in cooperation with the Warsaw Observatory of Culture at the end of 2023.

For many of us, becoming a mother meant losing our artistic identity. Reclaiming it hasn’t always been easy. Often it has taken support and the presence of people with similar experiences to unlock ourselves at a deep level. We want to talk about the merging of these two roles of a mother and creator, about transformation but also acceptance, about giving ourselves permission for such actions. We know that mothers who are creators need space and care in order to return to creativity. The care of mental and material space is necessary.

However, there is no specific pattern or established path that leads to this creativity. Return happens in various ways — through changing space, format, theme, technique or working together with a child. Support is limited, so we do what is needed and get it done for the first time. The exhibition and workshop activities are a continuation of the process started during the home-based residencies.

We now want to expand the field of experimentation: exhibiting art, collaborative creation, involving more participants and including children as creators. We want to provide tools and space to other creative caregivers, share our experiences, invite new people to our community, be together, share the methods we have developed and create them together.



Antonina Gugała

Agata Klepka

Anna Marczak-Gut

Magdalena Nowosadzka

Agnieszka Palińska

Anna Stefańska-Gozdecka

Agnieszka Strzeżek

Sylwia Walczowska

Aleksandra Wiechowska


Olga Dyjak

Łono Group

Spotlight Children


Support: Sonia Jaszczyńska

Involvement of WOK: Aleksandra Wiechowska

Associated Events

25 May 2024

16:00 Opening of the exhibition

17:30 – 19:30 Artist Mothers. Home residencies – do it yourself

Host: Sonia Jaszczyńska

26 May 2024

15:00 – 16:00 Presentation and discussion on the diploma project “First Year” by Agnieszka Strzeżek

Host: Agnieszka Strzeżek

16:00 – 18:30 Reading Motherhood and Care – reading meeting

Host: Sonia Jaszczyńska

  • Limited spots available, registration required:

28 May 2024

16:30 – 17:30 Guided tour of the exhibition

Host: Agnieszka Palińska

  • Registration required:

30 May 2024

18:00 – 20:00 Circle and collage. Meeting for pregnant persons

Hosts: Paulina Ufnal and Antonina Gugała

  • Limited spots available, registration required:

31 May 2024

17:00 – 18:00 Guided tour of the exhibition

Host: Anna Stefańska

  • Registration required:

1 June 2024

16:00 – 16:30 Opening of the micro-exhibition “Art of Children Without Sugar”

16:30 – 18:30 Drawing workshops on thinking and creating

Hosts: Anna Stefańska and Karolina Rodanowicz

  • Workshops for children with parents/guardians, registration required:

2 June 2024

16:00 – 18:00 Finissage and open micro-workshops “Postcard for Mom”


The Rotating House of Culture on Jazdów is accessible for people with reduced mobility, with adapted toilets and ramps for wheelchairs.


Buses: Pl. Na Rozdrożu 116, 166, 180, 503, E-2, 222, 138, 143, 151, 182, 187, 188, 411, 502, 514, 520, 523

There are 2 parking spaces on Jazdów Street for vehicles used by persons with disabilities.

Contact: +48 500 869 413

Important information:

There is no parking for event participants in the Jazdów estate. We encourage the use of public transport or bicycles.