Artwork. A work of art as a practice

In late October, the WOK Lab hosted a presentation of Artwork by Florin Flueras. In it, Florin Flueras shifts the focus from the final product of art to the process of experiencing it and asks whether art that transcends consumption is possible. The show featured Eliza Trefas, Martina Piazzi and Florin Flueras.

Artwork is the title of the performance, but also the method on which it is based. It involves the transformation of finite ‘artworks’ into an experience. At its core is the idea that artworks should be practised, and that art should not only be seen, but experienced. Why put all the effort into creating works of art if they are just products to be consumed? Sometimes it can feel as if the final results of artistic endeavour are tombstones to the practices, thoughts, affectations and approaches that made their creation possible.

Towards experiences

In Artwork Flueras changes the perspective, works made to be looked at are activated in the bodies of visitors/customers/students. In this way the artist transcends the limitations of visual art and conceptual art. As a result, the artwork loses its explicitness, it can materialise as a performance, therapy, exhibition, workshop, promotional event, text or artwork, or all at the same time, depending on the context: art, philosophy, spiritual experience, therapy, education, alternative medicine or literature. Artwork is a meeting of different audiences, conventions and perspectives on thinking about the artwork as a practice.

The presentation of the show in Warsaw was part of the residency programme of the apap Feminist Futures network, co-funded by the European Union’s Creative Europe project.

Co-organisers of the show are the Institute of Performative Arts (Inszper), the Asociatia Culturala Solitude Project from Bucharest and the Warsaw Observatory of Culture. The artistic residency is organised by Inszper in cooperation with Asociatia Culturala Solitude Project and the Zygmunt Hübner Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw.