of Culture

At the Warsaw Observatory of Culture we aim to explore the processes of contemporary culture and share our findings with the wider community. We believe that connecting art and artists with scholarship affords us a better understanding of the world and the tools to engage with and contribute to the future.

Announcing the results of the recruitment for the artistic research process and networking meetings of Co-thinking

We received 114 applications. The applicants define the area of artistic research in diverse ways, situating it within a broad spectrum of institutional and non-institutional practices and subjecting them to critical analysis. Having read the applications already granted us with an opportunity to explore this field. The large number and high quality of the submissions demonstrate how necessary reflection on artistic research in Poland is, and how many people wish to pursue this path in their practice.

More about: Announcing the results of the recruitment for the artistic research process and networking meetings of <em>Co-thinking</em>

Pavillion for Dance and Other Performance Arts. Launch of an open call for a year-long curatorial concept

This is the moment that the Polish performing arts community has been waiting for. The competition for the year-long curatorial concept for the Pavilion for Dance and Other Performing Arts has been launched. The competition is organised by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Entries are open and will be accepted via the pawilontanca.pl website.

More about: Pavillion for Dance and Other Performance Arts. Launch of an open call for a year-long curatorial concept