Anna Rochowska

I am a theatre pedagogue and director of TR Warsaw theatre.

I started this position on 1 September 2023. I am a graduate of the Faculty of Theatre Knowledge at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw and Postgraduate Studies for Culture Managers at the Management Faculty of the University of Warsaw. I am also a PhD student at the Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a lecturer at the Faculty of Theatre Knowledge at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw. I am a member of the Programme Council of the Culture without Barriers Foundation and the Association of Theatre Educators. I am a recipient of the Halina Machulska Award (2021).

I have been working at TR Warsaw since 1996, first as a theatre educator and then as accessibility leader and coordinator of the TR Warsaw Education Team. Over the years I have been working at the theatre, I have conducted and initiated many projects in the area of theatre pedagogy for different audience groups: children, young adults, students, adults, and seniors, as well as for people with sensory disabilities, providing them with full access to culture. I was awarded a Special Mention at the 1st WPEK Exchange (Warsaw Cultural Education Programme) for the implementation of the “Education in TR” programme in 2009, 3rd Prize at the 5th WPEK Exchange in 2014 for the “Audiodescription in TR’ project of 2013, and 2nd Prize at the 11th WNEK competition in 2020 for the KULTOUR inter-institutional cooperation project.

I created the “TR BEZ BARIER” (TR WITHOUT BARRIERS) programme, for which the TR Warsaw theatre received the GRAND PRIX award in 2022 for creating an accessible Warsaw cultural institution over a 10-year period. In the 2022/2023 season, I headed the Department of Theatre Pedagogy at the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute in Warsaw.

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