Announcing the results of the call for applications for Co-thinking artistic research process and networking meetings

We received 114 applications. The applicants define the field of artistic research in diverse ways, situating it within a broad spectrum of institutional and non-institutional practices and subjecting them to critical analysis. Reading the applications has already given us the opportunity to explore this field. The large number and high quality of the submissions show how necessary reflection on artistic research is in Poland and how many people wish to pursue this path in their practice.

The applications, which we read thoroughly and with great interest, inspired many long discussions within our committee. We wanted to ensure that the group of participants we decided to invite to the process was as diverse as possible. After an initial review of the applications, we decided on the following criteria:

  • Experience in artistic research (regardless of age, institutional affiliation or professional expertise)
  • The blending of research and art in the applicant’s practice
  • Willingness to reflect on one’s own practice and on artistic research in Poland
  • Willingness to collaborate for the benefit of the artistic research community
  • Diversity

We regret that we can only invite twelve individuals from such a large number of outstanding applications, as we are convinced that almost all of them would have been excellent fits for the process.

The individuals invited to participate in Co-thinking are (in alphabetical order):

  1. Julia Barbasiewicz
  2. Karolina Gembara
  3. Jessica Kufa
  4. Katarzyna Kania
  5. Julia Krupa
  6. Antoni Michnik
  7. Patrycja Plich
  8. Monika Popiel
  9. Aleksandra Skowrońska
  10. Agata Skrzypek
  11. Tytus Szabelski
  12. Paweł Świerczek

The applications were reviewed by a team consisting of Paulina Brelińska-Garsztka, Jakub Depczyński, Anna Galas-Kosil, Anna Majewska, Marta Michalak and Piotr Morawski.

We hope that Co-thinking will be only the beginning of a collaboration for the benefit of artistic research in Poland. The level of interest in the process we have proposed has assured us that similar initiatives need to be developed.

We encourage you to follow the information regarding Co-thinking, which will be published on the WOK website.