Warsaw’s Performing Arts Scene

At the Warsaw Observatory of Culture, we carefully monitor the contemporary artistic landscape and the mechanisms that condition it. We are interested in the changes that are currently taking place in this field.

The artistic, curatorial, production and research environment associated with contemporary dance and performing arts (defined as a separate art form and not as an umbrella term combining theatre, dance and performance) has for years been advocating the creation of systemic solutions to support the work and professional development of artists, as well as the establishment and development of an audience for this artistic field. The idea is to find sustainable solutions, tailored to the specificities of this art form, providing access to infrastructure and permanent funding mechanisms. This voice also resonates strongly in the context of the city of Warsaw.

At the beginning of 2023, the Komuna Warszawa theatre initiated a series of debates dedicated to the local ecosystem of theatre, dance and performing arts, inviting representatives of these communities and those responsible for the municipal culture policy. The framework for the series of debates was inspired by a strong demand for infrastructural support for the independent sector in Warsaw, and three issues were placed at the forefront of the debate, namely:

  • the need to create a production house;
  • the need to create a stable system of fellowships and residencies linked to the above;
  • the need to create a performance space for the dance community in Warsaw.

As part of the series of debates, three open events were held at the Komuna Warszawa building in February, May and June 2023, with the participation of WOK as a partner organisation. We developed a summary of two of the debates, namely: Dom produkcyjny vs. scena dla tańca albo jak to się robi w Berlinie [Production House vs. Dance Stage, or How They Do It in Berlin] and Rezydencje i stypendia, albo jak (prze)żyć na scenie [Residencies and Fellowships, or How to Live on and Off) the Stage].

The transcript of the first debate entitled Po co tyle teatrów w Warszawie, albo porozmawiajmy o ekosystemie sztuk performatywnych [Do We Need All These Theatres in Warsaw, or Let’s Talk about the Ecosystem of Performing Arts] was published in the Dialog periodical (issue 5/2023 [vol. 798]). The same issue features a paper by Paweł Wodziński entitled: Dwa słowa na literę U. Sztuki performatywne między utowarowieniem a uspołecznieniem [Performing Arts Between Commodification and Socialisation], which was directly inspired by this debate, and a description of the Choreography Centre/Dance Stage in Warsaw project developed as part of the work of an informal working group comprising representatives from the contemporary dance community. The debate was also commented on by Sandra Wilk on the Stronatanca.pl portal in two trade articles: Rozmowy o Centrum Choreograficznym w Warszawie: Idea [Conversations about the Choreographic Centre in Warsaw: The Idea] and Rozmowy o Centrum Choreograficznym w Warszawie: Warunki lokalowe [Conversations about the Choreographic Centre in Warsaw: The Premises].


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