Pavillion for Dance and Other Performance Arts. Launch of an open call for a year-long curatorial concept

This is the moment that the Polish performing arts community has been waiting for. The competition for the year-long curatorial concept for the Pavilion for Dance and Other Performing Arts has been launched. The competition is organised by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Entries are open and will be accepted via the website.

For several years, the issue of what will become of the present location of the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (MSN), i.e. the Museum on the Vistula River, when the institution moves into its target building on Plac Defilad has been a recurring topic of public debate. The questions were: will the building remain in use, what role will it play, and who will reside there? At the same time, we were discussing the absence of institutional space for the dance and performance art scene, from which emerged the need to provide a place like this for the community and the audience and to expand the stage over time.

In September 2023, Artur Jóźwik, director of the Warsaw City Culture Bureau, announced plans to create a space for dance and other performing arts in the Vistula River Pavilion. On 14 March 2024, the Warsaw City Council allocated additional funds to adapt the building to its new function and purchase the equipment. Until January 2024, the Warsaw Cultural Observatory, together with the dance community and representatives of the Culture Office and the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, conducted research, carried out consultations with the dance community and developed an innovative process to be implemented in the course of adapting the Pavilion to the needs of the new residents.

Who will be responsible for the artistic shape of the Pavilion for Dance and Other Performing Arts?  An open competition for the curatorial concept of the year-long pilot project has been launched at Both curators and artist collectives are invited to submit their entries.

Open call

The first stage of the open call focusses on the vision and originality of the ideas for the programme. To submit a proposal in the open call, participants must fill in the form available on the website. The application form must feature an overview of the professional experience of the applicants and a description of their idea for the Pavilion for Dance and Other Performing Arts first year of operation. The most crucial element of this stage is the presentation of the curatorial concept.

After reviewing all submissions, the competition jury will invite the selected individuals and collectives to participate in the second stage when applicants will present their ideas for the pilot programme as described in the application. What will be analysed is not only the artistic aspect but also the practical possibilities of its implementation within the limited time and budget allocated.

The competition is organised by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, a cultural institution of the City of Warsaw. The Warsaw Observatory of Culture will handle the evaluation of the annual pilot programme. The deadline for submitting applications is 1 September 2024. Detailed terms and conditions and the competition schedule are available at

The modernisation of the Vistula Pavilion and the subsequent conversion of the building to its new function will begin in late 2024. The one-year pilot programme’s start date depends on the modernisation work schedule and is estimated for mid-2025.