Municipal Fellowships 2023/2024

The Warsaw Observatory of Culture (WOK) is the thematic partner of the 5th edition of the Municipal Scholarship Programme. The aim of the programme, which supports doctoral students from all over Poland, is to deepen our understanding of the processes and challenges facing the changing Warsaw and its inhabitants, and to use this knowledge in the development of municipal policies.

As part of the programme, four fellows are conducting original research projects related to this year’s theme: Participation of “new Varsovians” (migrants or refugees) in culture – needs, mapping and accessibility, under the professional supervision of WOK.

WOK supports the fellows in contacting stakeholders, researching sources and developing research tools. On 31 January and 30 April, the recipients presented quarterly reports on the progress of their research project.

The WOK expert are Małgorzata Bakalarz-Duverger and Marta Michalak.
The contact person from the Culture Bureau of the City of Warsaw is Beata Żurawska.



The Fellows of the capital city of Warsaw for PhD holders are awarded for a maximum of 12 months and have a total value of PLN 30,000 per project. The selection criteria include the research project’s conformity with the listed research areas, consideration of the local context and the possibility of applying the research results in practice.

The 5th edition of the programme was addressed to persons interested in conducting research in the following areas under the auspices of the Culture Development Department of the Culture Bureau of the capital city of Warsaw:

  1. Participation of “new Varsovians” (migrants or refugees) in culture – Needs, mapping, accessibility;
  2. Community cultural institutions;
  3. Cultural institutions in transition;
  4. Language of inclusion in contemporary Poland.