Pamela Leończyk

Director, performer, interviews

I am a director, author of artistic installations, theatre educator, and accessibility coordinator. I studied theatre direction at the Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw, I am also a graduate of Theatre Studies and Performance Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków and I am a member of the Board of the Polish Theatre Directors Guild. I collaborate with the Association of Theatre Pedagogues and the Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives. I am a scholarship holder of the Laboratory of Nowy Theatre organised by the New Proxima Theatre in Kraków, a winner of the “New Stage” programme organised by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute and the international Animatus competition for the execution of an artistic installation.

My theatrical works were presented at the FIST festival in Belgrade, the performance Night Swimmers won the main prize at the “Pestka” International Festival of Avant-garde Theatre and Art, the performance Body Process received the Grand Prix at the National Festival of Independent Theatres OFTeN, and the performance Work in Progress based on The Winter’s Tale won the New Yorick Award at the 27th Shakespeare Festival in Gdańsk. I am a recipient of artistic scholarships from the President of the City of Suwałki, the City of Kraków in 2020 and the City of Warsaw in 2021.

I have collaborated with Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw, Tasca Teatro in Turin, W. Horzyca Theatre in Toruń, Theatre 21, New Proxima Theatre in Kraków, Łaźnia Centre for Contemporary Art in Gdańsk, and the Baltic Gallery of Contemporary Art in Słupsk among others.

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