Zofia Reznik

I am a queer, eco-sexual feminist. I situate myself on the borderline between art, science and activism in my capacity as a researcher and activist. I graduated from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature at the University of Wroclaw and Gender Studies at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences. I also studied at Karo Akabal’s Sex&Love School. In 2024, I defended my dissertation on the micro-narratives of Wroclaw female artists of the 1970s at the Institute of Art History at the University of Wroclaw. I mainly deal with herstories and artistic research, collecting and archiving the accounts of Lower Silesian female artists. I write, curate, lead women’s circles and share knowledge as part of the ¿Czy badania artystyczne? Trio and the Kariatyda Collective, which is filling up the Polish Wikipedia with entries on women associated with art. Before that, I was one of the co-founders of the Falanster collective based in Wroclaw. Together with Arleta Światowy and Joanna Kobyłt, I headed the Wersja Foundation. In 2022, Beata Rojek, Sonia Sobiech and I, presented the exhibition Yesterday’s Dreams Weave the Ruins of Tomorrow’s Temples at the 66P Gallery in Wroclaw, dedicated to the empowerment of abortion and the abortion support network in Poland, which will have its new edition in 2025 at UCLouvain in Belgium. I am the author of academic publications and critical texts on art, and I work at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. I am learning to facilitate and hold forest baths.